About us
The first organizational meeting of Amarillo Republican Women (ARW) was held on March 23, 1961. Nine area women came together determined to help John Tower win the special election to replace Lyndon B. Johnson in the U.S. Senate.
Since that time, countless successful candidates have received support from the ARW membership.
The Amarillo Republican Women
In January, 1962, ARW received charters through the Texas and the National associations. Martha Duke served as president, and Dorothy Reed was elected vice president.
Rallies, candidates' forums, Lincoln Day parties, and hosting the 1995 Texas Federation of Republican Women State Convention are a few of the political activities ARW has been involved in. Other events include recognizing Sen. Teel Bivins in 2004 prior to becoming Ambassador to Sweden and Rep. David Swinford in 2010 upon his retirement Wounded Warriors riding with President Bush in the Palo Duro Canyon were greeted by members upon arrival to Amarillo in 2012.
Several community projects ARW has undertaken include implementing a Children's Finger Print Identity Program, creating DVDs on American Heritage which were donated to area schools, and awarding scholarships through Amarillo College, WTAMU and Amarillo Area Foundation. Additionally, donations have been presented to the High Plains Food Bank, Martha's Home, the Downtown Women's Center, Texas Panhandle War Memorial, Family Support Services, The Bridge, Snack Pak 4 Kids, Veteran's Resource Center, and the Presbyterian Children's Home. Care packages have been packed and mailed over the years to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Often, ARV of eco-host the Lincoln Reagan Event with other Amarillo area Republican
ARW meets the third Thursday of each month.
Location: Abuelos Party Room
Time: 11:45 AM
EventBrite Website:
In addition to a
luncheon and brief business meeting, interesting and informative speakers provide timely programs.